Pharmacy Refrigeration
Good pharmacy practice requires that temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals are continuously stored at the correct temperature. All vaccines and many drugs must be stored at a fridge temperature between 2 and 8°C by keeping them in a purpose built pharmacy refrigerator. Other pharmaceutical products need to be stored above 20°C and below 25°C otherwise, they will deteriorate. A storage solution for such products is a controlled temperature cabinet.
An essential aspect of the safe storage of pharmacy products is that the storage temperature requires monitoring at all times. Pharmacy fridges have inbuilt audible alarms and can record the maximum and minimum measured temperatures. Temperature data loggers and minimum/maximum thermometers are also needed to monitor the temperature adequately. Being prepared for when things go wrong is another critical consideration. If the temperature goes outside of the allowable range and it is outside of business hours, then how will you know? ENLAKE has numerous solutions, such as SMS alert systems and fridges that can connect to your existing building alarm. If you lose power to your pharmacy, an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) can keep your pharmacy fridge running until the power outage is over.
ENLAKE has pharmacy fridges in a wide range of sizes from many different manufacturers. We also have temperature monitoring systems and UPS solutions. Call one of ENLAKE’s pharmacy specialists on 1800 094 259 to discuss your requirements.