Chart Recorders

A traditional chart recorder is an electromechanical device that records the temperature recorded inside the fridge or freezer by drawing on a piece of paper called a chart. The beauty of a chart recorder is that it allows you to immediately see the temperature history inside the fridge or freezer. There is no need to take a data logger over to a computer to download the information which also makes it ideal for people that may not be computer literate.

A more recent development is paperless chart recorders. These still display the temperature history in a graphical format but the temperature history is stored in electronic format like a data logger. Common methods of transferring the data to a PC include via WiFi or a USB stick.

These chart recorders can be connected to an existing refrigerator or freezer, are mains powered and easy to operate. We can also supply in-built chart recorders for many of our new fridges and freezers.